Nebraska Furniture Dining Room Set (2025)

1. Dining Sets

  • 7-Piece Sets and Up

  • Elevate your dining space with a dining set from NFM! Our collection features a variety of stylish and functional sets to fit any taste and budget. From classic designs to modern styles, we've got everything you need to create a cohesive and inviting dining space.

2. Dining Room & Kitchen - NFM

  • Dining Sets · Dining Tables · Dining Chairs & Benches · Sideboards & Buffets

  • Upgrade your dining and kitchen space with NFM. Discover our vast selection of top-quality products, including dining sets, bar stools, kitchen islands, and more, to create a functional and stylish space. From classic to contemporary styles, NFM has everything you need to express your unique taste and personality. Shop now and discover the best selection of dining room and kitchen furniture at unbeatable prices at NFM!

3. Stylish, Functional Dining Tables for Every Home | Shop NFM

4. Stylish, Functional Dining Tables for Every Home | Shop NFM

  • Create memorable dining experiences with our stylish yet functional dining tables at NFM. Explore a variety of designs to suit any taste and space.

  • Create memorable dining experiences with our stylish yet functional dining tables at NFM. Explore a variety of designs to suit any taste and space. Shop NFM!

5. Dining Chairs & Benches - NFM

  • Complete your dining space with stylish and comfortable chairs and benches from NFM! Our collection features a variety of designs and ...

  • Complete your dining space with stylish and comfortable chairs and benches from NFM! Our collection features a variety of designs and materials to fit any decor and lifestyle. From classic wood finishes to modern metal and upholstered designs, we've got everything you need to create a cohesive and inviting dining space.

6. Save on Nebraska Furniture Mart -

  • Spoken matches Nebraska Furniture Mart furniture and home decor across 100s of other stores to find you the best price. Save on Nebraska Furniture Mart home ...

  • Spoken matches Nebraska Furniture Mart furniture and home decor across 100s of other stores to find you the best price. Save on Nebraska Furniture Mart home products.

Save on Nebraska Furniture Mart -

7. Stylish, Functional Dining Tables for Every Home | Shop NFM

  • Create memorable dining experiences with our stylish yet functional dining tables at NFM. Explore a variety of designs to suit any ...

  • Create memorable dining experiences with our stylish yet functional dining tables at NFM. Explore a variety of designs to suit any taste and space. Shop NFM!

8. Stylish, Functional Dining Tables for Every Home | Shop NFM

  • Create memorable dining experiences with our stylish yet functional dining tables at NFM. Explore a variety of designs to suit any taste ...

  • Create memorable dining experiences with our stylish yet functional dining tables at NFM. Explore a variety of designs to suit any taste and space. Shop NFM!

Nebraska Furniture Dining Room Set (2025)


What are some tips for buying dining room furniture? ›

Here are 7 tips for buying dining room furniture that suits your needs, and prepares you for hosting some hungry guests.
  • Know the Size. Measure your space before deciding on a table you want to buy. ...
  • Consider Style. ...
  • Coordinate with Other Furniture. ...
  • The Materials. ...
  • Shape is Important. ...
  • Decide on Durability.

How much room do you need for a dining set? ›

Allow room for 3' of clearance on each side of the table. That's the amount of space you need to pull out chairs from the table, or to walk behind people seated at the table.

What is the minimum space needed to get into chairs around the dining table? ›

You'll need at least 18 – 24 inches clearance just to pull chairs out. 42-48 inches is the most ideal clearance between the table and a wall if you have the space to do it. Ideally, you'll want 48 inches clearance between the table and any doorways or entryways.

What makes furniture high-end? ›

Skilled artisans take pride in crafting heirloom pieces and ensure every aspect of their construction is done right. While handcrafted furniture often comes with a higher price tag than its mass-produced counterparts, the investment is worth the money because of its unparalleled quality and craftsmanship.

How big should a rug be under a dining table? ›

Table size: The area rug size under dining room tables should be at least 24" larger on all sides. This allows the chairs to move back and leaves space for seated guests. Room size: The best rug size for dining rooms (and any room) should keep at least 12" of space between the rug's edges and the walls.

What is included in dining room sets? ›

Dining room sets usually include just a dining table, side chairs, and arm chairs but some dining room sets will also include a buffet, china cabinet, or curio cabinet. The dining table is going to be the biggest piece to consider when making a choice about which dining room set is best for you.

How big of a table can I fit in a 12x12 room? ›

Square Tables With Available in Multiple Dimensions
Common Room DimensionsMaximum Recommended Table Size

How far apart should chairs be from chairs on dining table? ›

As a general rule of thumb, chairs should be spaced about 24 to 30 inches apart from one another around a dining table. This allows for enough space for each person to comfortably sit and move around the table, as well as allowing for adequate space for serving dishes and platters.

Do dining chairs have to fit under a table? ›

You should allow for at least 12" of space between the seat of your chair and bottom of your table or counter. If your table has an apron, there should be 7" of space between the top of the seat and bottom of the apron.

What should be the gap between chair and table? ›

Essential spacing to keep in mind:

Space between table and chair: 18 inches. Space for service aisles: 30 inches. Space between two chairs without a service aisle: 16 inches. Space between the back of a seat to the wall: 30 inches (48” total with 18” for a chair)

What are the 5 factors to consider in choosing or buying furniture? ›

Factors to Consider While Choosing Furniture for Your Home
  • Size and Space. When you're furnishing your home, it's important to know the size of the space you are furnishing. ...
  • Style. ...
  • Durability. ...
  • Functionality. ...
  • Comfort. ...
  • Safety. ...
  • Budget. ...
  • Environmental Impact.

How do I choose a dining room table? ›

5 Tips for Picking the Right Kitchen or Dining Room Table
  1. Measure Your Space. Before you pick a table, you want to make sure that you measure your kitchen or dining area. ...
  2. Choose a Shape. The shape of the table defines its look and style. ...
  3. Select a Material. ...
  4. Find the Right Style. ...
  5. Consider Seating to Go with Your Table.

How to determine table size for dining room? ›

To calculate the right size for your dining room table, take the length and width measurements of your room in feet. Then, subtract 6 feet from each measurement, to account for 3 feet of clearance on all sides of the table. Then multiply this number by 12 to get a suitable table length and width, in inches.

What furniture is usually in a dining room? ›

Dining rooms always include a table and chairs, and sometimes a buffet (or sideboard) and a china cabinet or cupboard. The style of the room also depends on other elements including wall colors, flooring, and the light fixture.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6277

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.