Disco Elysium: The Final Cut Critic Reviews (2025)

89 93%

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.

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Cameron Corliss

Game Rant

Top Critic

Oct 11, 2021

Those that have been waiting to try Disco Elysium have no reason to hold out any longer. The game is available on pretty much every platform out there now, and it’s well worth playing. It’s unlike just about anything else, and it begs the question of what developer ZA/UM will manage to craft next.

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Simon Cardy


Top Critic

10 / 10.0

Mar 31, 2021

The Final Cut elevates Disco Elysium from an already phenomenal RPG to a true must-play masterpiece.

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Stacey Henley


Top Critic

Apr 20, 2021

I’m not necessarily a fan of all of the design choices - it’s often both too open ended and too restrictive - but I understand them all, and I wish it was less of an exception to the rule. I can’t fault its narrative, or even its design, despite my disagreements. If someone told me they consider it a perfect game, I wouldn’t have anything besides personal preference to come back at them. But with the fiddly game design likely to block off even more players than the already niche themes, I can’t help but wish a game so focused on socialism could have been more welcoming to the masses.

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Joe Juba

Game Informer

Top Critic

9 / 10.0

Mar 31, 2021

Disco Elysium can be thoughtful, funny, sad, and profound. To see how it artfully navigates that spectrum, you simply need to play it for yourself

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Holly Boson


Top Critic


May 7, 2021

Disco Elysium is not the sort of game that you play to master, but it is the kind of game that, if you truly internalize its thoughts, will make your real life easier to live in. It will keep you company as you wait without power for a glorious future that will never come — and even if it did, would end up being stupid.

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David Wildgoose


Top Critic

10 / 10

Apr 15, 2021

Disco Elysium is a detective RPG that sets a new standard for storytelling.

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Jason Bohn

Hardcore Gamer

Top Critic

4 / 5.0

Apr 11, 2021

There are valid criticisms to level at Disco Elysium: The Final Cut. The console port wasn't handled as cleanly as it could have been and new players are likely to get blindsided in a way that just a touch more information up front would have avoided.

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Rory Mellon

Tom's Guide

Top Critic

4 / 5 stars

Apr 9, 2021

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is a masterwork in video-game storytelling that will engross you from start to finish. Only persistent technical issues hold it back.

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Oliver Reynolds

Nintendo Life

Top Critic

9 / 10

Oct 11, 2021

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is an absolute triumph. The narrative and dialogue, which is already wonderfully compelling on its own, has been given a massive boost thanks to the excellent voice acting introduced for the Final Cut. The gameplay features a host of branching paths for you to explore, and while the slow, methodical approach may turn a few people off, this is nevertheless one of the most well-told stories in any medium from the last few years. The performance issues at the time of writing slightly took the shine off things - and we hope they're ironed out soon via updates - but even with them present, Disco Elysium: The Final Cut stands as one of the best RPGs available on Switch.

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Mick Fraser

God is a Geek

Top Critic

9.5 / 10.0

Apr 26, 2021

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is quite simply like nothing else in the medium. If you missed it on PC, it's absolutely worth picking it up on console and investing some time and effort in its wonderfully complex world.

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Gareth Chadwick


Top Critic

10 / 10

Apr 14, 2021

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is a work of genius. I'm planning to immediately replay it, simply because I don't want it to be over yet. The story is absolutely captivating, the world is filled to the brim with detail, and the characters and their motivations are remarkably well thought out. It made me laugh at absurd moment, made me gasp with the twists in the story, and I've developed an attachment to the main character's partner, Kim Kitsuragi, and his endless patience with me shooting finger guns at him as much as possible. Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is a masterwork and you are doing yourself a disservice if you miss it.

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Noelle Warner


Top Critic

7 / 10.0

Apr 9, 2021

The 1.02 patch just went live, but console players are still reporting that it's not fixing a majority of the problems, especially progression blockers. Unfortunately it seems like a situation we'll have to wait out, and just hope that ZA/UM is able to fix the issues. This game really is a must-play for anyone who loves storytelling or the RPG genre - that is if you're on PC, or if you can wait for subsequent patches for console versions. In spite of everything though, Disco Elysium's twisting, tumbling adventure is one worth waiting for.

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Jack Gracie

Metro GameCentral

Top Critic

8 / 10

Apr 7, 2021

A major update to the intricately plotted and highly detailed RPG, that gives players more of what they loved in the original release and the same amount of what they didn't.

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Jenny Jones

PlayStation LifeStyle

Top Critic

9 / 10.0

Apr 5, 2021

Even with the handful of bugs this is a unique experience that is very easy to recommend. It's an amazing RPG with an absolutely stunning amount of depth for a game where you're mostly just talking to people. Both the story and cast of characters are highly memorable and no two players will have the same experience. It's really easy to see why PC gamers have been raving about Disco Elysium, this truly is a must-play experience.

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William Cennamo

Screen Rant

Top Critic

Oct 11, 2021

The constant ebb and flow of Disco Elysium's storyline makes for one amazing adventure that can easily be replayed, tackling problems in different ways each time. The Nintendo Switch is a great fit for this kind of game, and the adjustment of the controls was handled well by the team at ZA/UM. This is a perfect rendition of Disco Elysium for new players who are interested in the game, or returning players who want to relive the fever dream on a portable console.

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Top Critic

9 / 10

Aug 17, 2021

Vast as an oceanic soul of late-stage alcoholic, Disco Elysium remains one of the most sincere, deep and meaningful stories about destructive nostalgy, communism, and a true unending love.

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Robert Ramsey

Push Square

Top Critic

9 / 10

Apr 19, 2021

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is an exceptional achievement in role-playing. Expertly written, it's an utterly engrossing detective drama at its best, and a fantastic sense of humour keeps the whole thing grounded. Its deliberately slow and methodical pacing won't be for everyone, but once you're invested, it's incredibly hard to put down. A haunting video game, for all the right reasons.

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Rosh Kelly


Top Critic

10 / 10.0

Apr 15, 2021

Disco Elysium doesn't shy away from its problems, but each one just cements how interesting those flaws are. Minor technical issues can be fixed, but what the game does, how it does it, and how the player responds is something that no other medium, no other game has achieved.

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Rhett Waselenchuk


Top Critic

95 / 100

Apr 14, 2021

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is everything the 2019 classic was and more. If you’re a fan of the original, you need to double-dip to experience the incredible work this cast of voice actors has put together. If you’ve never heard of Disco Elysium before, I envy you. I wish I could play this again for the first time. Be warned that you may run into a few bugs here and there, but it seems like every other day, ZA/UM is squashing more of them. And if you’re still here reading this review, it’s time to turn the world off and put your dancing shoes on.

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John-Paul Jones

PlayStation Universe

Top Critic

7 / 10.0

Apr 7, 2021

There are so many aspects of its design in which Disco Elysium stands unmatched. Boasting unparalleled player agency, the sort of writing that makes me deeply jealous and a cast of characters that are resolutely unforgettable, Disco Elysium is easily one of the most intelligent and fascinating RPGs ever made. However, in its current form, the presence of game breaking bugs that prevent you from finishing missions, levels a near fatal blow at Disco Elysium that not even its towering brilliance is sufficient to overcome. I'm sure there's a timeline where all the bugs have been fixed and I'm playing Disco Elysium for the first time, awarding it the 10/10 score it deserves. Right now, this isn't that timeline.

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Disco Elysium: The Final Cut Critic Reviews (2025)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.